Summer is the warmest season compared to other seasons. It is associated with hot and dry weather.
During the summer season the whole environment is refreshing and cheerful.
The combination of weather, light and the colors of the environment gives it a vivid feeling to the mind.
When you design anything related to summer you need to be concerned about what colors should be used.
In this article you will find the 10 best summer color palettes for your design to your business products like t-shirts, beverages and cosmetics.
These color palettes are inspired from nature during summer season. You can find beautiful color combinations by just observing your surroundings.
Don’t Miss out : Colors Used by Famous Brands!
Clouds, landscapes, morning sunlight, fruits and flowers are the natural decorations of the summer season.
10 summer color palettes to spark your creativity
You can easily copy Hex codes for each color and use it for your artworks and designs.

Pale Spring Bud #E1FFB1 | Yellow Green #B6E388
Menthol #C7F2A4 | | Very Pale Yellow #FCFFB2

Celtic Blue #277BCO | Chinese Yellow #FFB200
Sunglow #FFCB42 | Lemon Chiffon #FFF4CF

Cultured #F7F7F7 | Ripe Mango #FFB72B
Yellow Sun #FFE61B | Yellow-Green #B5FE83

Picton Blue #3DB2FF | Papaya Whip #FFEDDA
Ripe Mango #FFB830 | Awesome #FF2442

Pale Blue #B5EAEA | Alabaster #EDF6E5
Light pink #FFBCBC | Pink Sherbet #F38BA0

Light Yellow #FEFFDE | Tea Green #DDFFBC
Dark Sea Green #91C788 | Fern Green #52734D

Very Light Tangelo #FFAB73 | Topaz #FFD384
Calamansi #FFF9B0 | Light Pink #FFAEC0

Very Pale Yellow #FDFFBC | Blond #FFEEBB
Peach Puff #FFDCB8 | Melon #FFC1B6

Tickle Me Pink #FF8BA7 | Bubble Gum #FFC6C7
Linen #FAEEE7 | Tea Green #C3F0CA

Rajah #FFA45B | Dandelion #FFDA77
Seashell #FBF6F0 | Powder Blue #AEE6E6