There several methods and tools have to remove the background of the image. Pen Tool, Background eraser tool and Quick selection are popular tools used for it. In this article you can learn How to Make background Transparent In Photoshop with a single click.
Pen Tool absolutely perfect tool but it takes more time to select. As well as you cant deal with complex edges like hairs through the pen tool.
Background Eraser and Quick selection are also time saving tools when considering the pen tool but sometimes you have to struggle to create a selection.
Don’t waste your precious time by using the above tool for every photo.Photoshop has the ability to recognize your image and remove the background in a few seconds.
Let’s see how it works.
Table of Contents
Select the Subject
You can remove the background in a single click using this method.perfectly it works on plain background. Photoshop automatically identifies the subject of the image and makes the selection.
1 Step
Open you image through Photoshop

2 Step
Click ‘Select’ on top menu bar

3 Step
Click ‘Subject’. Photoshop will load and automatically select the subject (person) of the image.

4 Step
Create a Mask on the image.

Sometimes selection needs a little bit of refinement. At that time you can use quick selection or background Eraser Tool.

Color Range
This is another super cool tool to remove background. This tool works based on colors. If you want to remove blue background, just click the color range tool. Even complex edges like hairs also perfectly respond to this tool
1 Step
Open you image through Photoshop

2 Step
Click ‘Select’ on top menu bar

3 Step
Click ‘Color Range’. Color range menu will popup.

4 Step

Make sure the selection preview is none.
Mark the checkbox to make invert
Now you can see a live preview of your image with black and white colors. Keep mind all of the subject should be white and and the background should be black.
You can adjust Fuzziness according to image colours.
5 Step
Create a Mask on the image.

Final Output

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