Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms in the globe. Day by day millions of users join with Instagram and share lives with the global community. Who has the Highest Followers on Instagram in the World?
In this article we have listed the important records and milestones that happened on Instagram.This list is based on a number of relevant sources.
Read More: How To Repost an Instagram Story [Complete Guide]
Table of Contents
Most followed account
Instagram (391m followers)
Most followed person-Male
Cristiano Ronaldo (281m followers)
Most followed person-Female
Ariana Grande (232m followers)
First person with 1 Million followers
Justin Bieber -20 March 2012
First person with 100 Million followers
Selena Gomaz -25 September 2016
Fastest 1m followers
Rupert Grint- In 4h 44 mins
Most-followed pet
Jiff pom (10.2m followers)
Most followed sports club
Real Madrid (97.5m followers)
The Most Posting Profile
Smsaruae ( 300k Posts)

Most liked Instagram post
World record egg (55m likes)
First Instagram Post
Kevin-17 July 2010
Fastest post reach 1m likes
Selena Gomaz- in 13 minutesĀ
Most commented post
MAKE OUT HILL (9.4m comments)
Most famous hashtag
#love -1.8b posts

Most hashtagged city
#london-88.78m posts

Most valuable account
Dawyon johnson (the rock)-$1m per post
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