Photoshop Zoom Shortcut and 27 More Shortcuts

Do you want to improve your Photoshop workflow to the next level? Then these Photoshop shortcuts will be useful for you. In this article we listed 27 important Photoshop shortcuts including Photoshop Zoom Shortcut that every designer should use. Make a bookmark this article for future references.

Read: Free Photoshop Alternatives and More Adobe Substitutes

1.Fill with foreground color

  • Windows- Alt + Backspace
  • Mac- Opt + Backspace

2.Fill with background color

  • Windows– Ctrl + Backspace
  • Mac– Cmd + Backspace

3.Open the fill window

  • Windows– Shift + Backspace
  • Mac– Shift + Backspace

4.Open the Color Balance Window

  • Windows– Ctrl + B
  • Mac– Cmd + B

5.Open the Curve Window

  • Windows– Ctrl + M
  • Mac– Cmd + M

6.Invert color in to the negative tone

  • Windows– Ctrl + I
  • Mac– Cmd + I

7. Open the Hue/Saturation Window

  • Windows– Ctrl + U
  • Mac– Cmd + U

8.Open the Level window

  • Windows– Ctrl + L
  • Mac– Cmd + L

9.Duplicate the selected layer

  • Windows– Ctrl + J
  • Mac– Ctrl + J

10.Group the selected layers

  • Windows– Ctrl + G
  • Mac– Cmd + G

11.Merge the selected layers

  • Windows– Ctrl + E
  • Mac– Cmd + E

12.Invert selection

  • Windows– Ctrl + Shift + I
  • Mac– Cmd + Shift + I

13.Open the Transform Control

  • Windows– Ctrl + T
  • Mac– Cmd + T

16.Increase the Font size

  • Windows– Ctrl + Shift + >
  • Mac– Cmd + Shift + >

17.Decrease the Font size

  • Windows– Ctrl + Shift + <
  • Mac– Cmd + Shift + <

18.Capital font

  • Windows– Ctrl + Shift + K
  • Mac– Cmd + Shift + K

19.Underline Font

  • Windows– Ctrl + Shift + U
  • Mac– Cmd + Shift + U

20.Bold Font

  • Windows– Ctrl + Shift + B
  • Mac– Cmd + Shift + B

21.Italic Fonts

  • Windows– Ctrl + Shift + I
  • Mac– Cmd + Shift + I


  • Windows– Alt + Up and Down Arrow
  • Mac– Opt + Up and Down Arrow


  • Windows– Alt + Left and right Arrow
  • Mac– Opt + Left and right Arrow

24.Select top Layer

  • Windows– Alt + .
  • Mac– Opt + .

25.Select Bottom layer

  • Windows– Alt + ,
  • Mac– Opt + ,

26.Change Canvas size

  • Windows– Ctrl + Alt + C
  • Mac– Cmd + Opt + C

27.Toggle the Canvas Color

  • Windows– Space Bar + F
  • Mac – Space Bar + F


  • Windows– Ctrl + ‘+’ .
  • Mac– Cmd + ‘+’ .

Bonus Photoshop Shortcuts

Toggle to show/hide ruler guide

  • Windows– Ctrl + ;
  • Mac – Cmd + ;

Toggle to show /hide grid

  • Windows– Ctrl + ‘
  • Mac – Cmd + ‘

1 thought on “Photoshop Zoom Shortcut and 27 More Shortcuts”

  1. Pingback: How to Use Brush Tool On Photoshop [Basic Guide] - Letroot | We Trust Creativity

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